Hangzhou Asiad medal design unveiled with 100 days to go
时间:2023-06-17 00:12:11来源:Xinhua


Hangzhou Asian Games" medals unveiled at a ceremony marking the 100-day countdown to the 19th Asiad in Hangzhou, China, on June 15, 2023.(Xinhua/Jiang Han)

Drawing inspiration from ancient Chinese jade, Hangzhou unveiled the medals for the 19th Asian Games on Thursday.

HANGZHOU, June 15 (Xinhua) -- Marking the 100-day countdown to the opening of the 19th Asian Games, Hangzhou on Thursday unveiled the medals for the Games as well as the materials to be used at award ceremonies.

The medals, named "Shan Shui," which translates to "Lake and Mountain," draw inspiration from the Liangzhu Culture, a testament to the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, and represent the geographical features of Hangzhou.

Characterized by the ceremonial jade Cong of the Liangzhu Culture, this is the first time a square jade has been combined with a round medal. The front side depicts a picture scroll of Hangzhou, surrounded by misty hills on three sides and the city on one side.

Hangzhou Asian Games" medals unveiled at a ceremony marking the 100-day countdown to the 19th Asiad in Hangzhou, China, on June 15, 2023.(Xinhua/Jiang Han)

The reverse side of the medals takes the shape of a square seal, symbolizing the athletes" beautiful mark on the Asian Games.

The design also encapsulates Hangzhou"s identity as an ecological civilization capital, with its natural landscapes, clear waters, and green hills. It embodies the sportsmanship of reaching great heights through hard work and self-challenge.

Adhering to the green concept of the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games, the medals will be attached to a hand-stitched ribbon using brocade jacquard technology and eco-friendly printing techniques. A bridge-shaped buckle at the top underscores the Jiangnan characteristics of the water town and the bridge town.

The Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games will take place from September 23 to October 8.


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